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DIY Flower Pail for Special Occasions
Looking for sophistication and elegance, but at a reasonable price point? Look no further than our DIY Flower Pails. For just $75 per pail, you can get all of the flowers you need to create your own arrangements.
Perfect for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, or any special occasion. Please reach out to discuss your arrangement needs including quantity and color palate so that we can ensure you get what you need.
Flowers include show stoppers like dahlias, ranunculus, and lisianthus; as well as a variety of other flowers including zinnia, gomphrena, celosia, yarrow, sweet annie, dusty miller, and more!
Half Share Flower CSA
Half shares run bi-weekly from July 14 - October 6 and include the following:
6 Bouquets
1 Build your own bouquet workshop (optional)
$20/bouquet cost, $35/bouquet value
Full Share Flower CSA
Full shares run weekly from July 14 - October 6 and include the following:
12 Bouquets (1 bouquet/week)
1 Build your own bouquet workshop (optional)
$18/bouquet cost, $35/bouquet value
Garlic Braid
Cured garlic tied with everlasting flowers. Perfect for garlic lovers who see the art in food.
Mini Dried Garlic Bouquet
Single garlic bulb tied with everlasting flowers. Garlic is fresh and can be eaten.
Garlic: lb
Large cloves, spicy flavor. Garlic by the pound. Store for months in cool, dry space.